Students interested in attending Naugatuck Valley Community College for the fall semester can complete all the registration steps in one day by attending one of several walk-in New Student Registration Sessions offered at the College’s Waterbury and Danbury campus in August.
New Student Registration Sessions make starting college easy by completing all of the steps in the enrollment process in one day. All hands are on deck to help students navigate through the admissions, registration, and payment processes.
Students who attend a session can complete the following steps in one day:
· applying to NVCC
· applying for financial aid (financial aid processing takes at least a few weeks, so students are urged to apply at fafsa.gov before attending a walk-in day)
· taking a placement test
· meeting with an advisor
· registering for classes
· paying for classes
Questions? Contact our Waterbury admissions team at: 203 – 575-8080 or our Danbury admissions team at:
203 – 437-9699 for assistance.
For the most current New Student Registration Session schedules and other information, visit www.nv.edu/walk-in.