‘Re-Animator’ will be screening Saturday along with ‘Night of the Creeps.’ Connecticut Cult Classics is organized by Derby resident Larry Dwyer. Tickets have been selling like hot cakes, so visit this page before heading to the Strand.
Editor’s Note: I tried something different this week (OBS and Google Hangout video conference), and it didn’t work out as planned. In other words, lower your expectations before hitting play. The audio doesn’t sync perfectly, and the screen flickers — kinks to be worked out. This is what happens when you’re holed up in your house for two weeks with a daughter with the flu and a son having a prolonged asthma episode.
Spears, by the way, has almost 100 IMDB credits to his name and his been on the makeup crew for Netflix Marvel shows such as ‘The Punisher,’ and ‘Jessica Jones.’
This year he was nominated for a Fangoria Chainsaw Award for his creature work on ‘Depraved,’ a modern retelling of ‘Frankenstein’ written and directed by Larry Fessenden.
Yeah, it’s a weird episode, but the Valley deserves a unique podcast!

“Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast” is a weekly talk show on this website. It is sponsored by ValleyGivesBack.org.
Music courtesy of The Bad Slugs.
In addition to being on YouTube and Libsyn, the Valley Indy’s “Navel Gazing” podcast is available on:
Pandora (find the app in your app store)
Click here for previous episodes.