Nearly 400 Students Take Part In Shelton Science Fair

CONTRIBUTEDThe Shelton High School Fourteenth Annual Science Fair was held on Thursday, Feb. 6, in the school’s auxiliary gymnasium, one day later than originally planned due to a snow day. 

Over 238 projects, involving 391 students, were submitted. The fair was organized by the Shelton High School Science Department.

Members from various community corporations, universities, retired educators, and science teachers within the district served as judges for the day.

They communicated with students about their projects and projects findings. 

The Awards Assembly was held on Friday, Feb. 7, in the school’s auditorium. Mrs. Clark congratulated all of students for their accomplishments. 

Housemasters Mr. John Skerritt Mr. Steven Swensen, and Mr. James Colandrea, announced the winners. Dr. Beth Smith, headmaster, awarded certificates, plaques and cash prizes.

Those projects receiving honorable mention were: 

  • Abra CadAlgae (Annalee Howard and Mackenzie Bures);
  • Effects of Cellphones on Daily Life (David Dzujna);
  • Starch Wrap (Christian Tallo and Kevin Sala);
  • Effects of Water Make-up on the Housatonic River (Allison Brown);
  • The Energy of the Future (Teajun Kim and Henry Jaing);
  • The Descent: Parachute Shape Performance (Jimmy Hunter);
  • Does the Age of a Dog Affect its Ability to Learn a New Trick (Brooke Grand and Nicole Romeos);
  • The Ideal Salinity of Hatching Brine Shrimp Eggs (Ian Juncker and Gajaan Sittambalam).

Third place winners were: 

  • Energy Nuts (Hunter Wronski);
  • Blades of Fury Part 2: Weight Efficiency (Ian Diaz and Joseph Niski);
  • A Sticky Situation (Ryan Corbett and Matthew Zampano);
  • Gravimetric Analysis of Calcium and Hard Water (Samantha Rubio, Jared Peck and Monica Holler).

Second place winners were: 

  • Do Sugar Substitutes Allow Yeast to Perform Cellular Respiration (Alexander Ercolani);
  • Stress by Angle (Justin Dressler);
  • Does Eye Color Effect Vision (Brittney Matto and Alyssa Birmingham);
  • Determining the Natural Pigment Category that Leads to the Highest Output of Voltage on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (Joshua Kreitler).

Those entries which placed first were: 

  • The Genetic Touch (Kelly Sou);
  • The Effects of Round-Up on Brown Trout Eggs (Andrew Krzywosc and William Simics);
  • The Effect of Bitter Gourd on Blood Sugar Levels (Veina Pillai);
  • The Development for a Simulation Model for the Solution of Einstein’s General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Based on Causal Dynamic Triangulation (Rigel Mahmood).

The following nine projects were overall winners and will participate in the Connecticut State Science Fair at Quinnipiac University in March: 

  • Gravimetric Analysis of Calcium and Hard Water (Samantha Rubio, Jared Peck and Monica Holler);
  • Do Sugar Substitutes Allow Yeast to Perform Cellular Respiration (Alexander Ercolani);
  • Blades of Fury Part 2 Weight Efficiency (Ian Diaz and Joseph Niski);
  • The Genetic Touch (Kelly Sou);
  • Stress by Angle (Justin Dressler);
  • Determining the Natural Pigment Category that Leads to the Highest Output of Voltage on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (Joshua Kreitler);
  • The Effects of Round-Up on Brown Trout Eggs (Andrew Krzywosc and William Simics);
  • The Effect of Bitter Gourd on Blood Sugar Levels (Veina Pillai).

Rigel Mahmood was congratulated for submitting the Best in Show project in the Shelton High Science Fair that won the entire Fair, entitled ​“The Development for a Simulation Model for the Solution of Einstein’s General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Based on Causal Dynamic Triangulation.”

Over $1,500 in prize money was awarded with monetary donations from Mayor Lauretti and the Shelton High School PTSO.

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