The Central Connecticut Coast YMCA has named Alan C. Mogridge as a new Branch Executive Director.
He will lead the Valley YMCA in Ansonia, a branch of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA.
Alan has a wealth of YMCA experience, most recently as the Associate Executive Director of the Greater Waterbury YMCA.
His professional career began with the YMCA of Central & Northern Westchester, NY where he was a Child Care Site Director. Then the Senior Program Director, Alan ran the Aquatics department and supervised the Wellness, Membership and Sports & Teen departments.
Both of Alan’s parents have been with the YMCA for over 35 years, so Alan ‘grew up’ in the Y. During high school and college, he worked in Ys in Rye and Tarrytown, N.Y., Norwalk and Maine in aquatics, childcare, membership, day camping, resident camping and maintenance.