New Derby Superintendent Will Never Lack Derby Attire

How’s this for welcome to Derby?”

The Derby school board Dec. 13 unanimously approved the hiring of Matthew Conway as the new school superintendent.

Click here for a previous Valley Indy story.

At the end of the meeting, school board president Ken Marcucio, Sr. gave Conway a large wrapped box filled with goodies.

It was clothes from Derby High School. 

Among the presents — a Derby High School jacket (red, of course), a black jacket, a red Derby hat and a shirt that said superintendent” with the Derby High logo.

The shirt was made, in house, by the Derby High School enterprise production class” headed by technology education teacher Rick Abelli. 

They created the patch for the logo and the embroidery for superintendent,’ Derby High School principal Greg Gaillard said in an e‑mail.

Jacqueline Jacoby is with the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education. She helped the Derby school district and its search committee find candidates for the job.

She attended Thursday’s meeting and was clearly delighted. Regarding the Derby gifts to their new schools chief, Jacoby said that was a nice surprise.

How nice!,” she said during the meeting. In all my years of doing this, that’s the first time I’ve seen that.”

Watch the video to see Conway open his Derby presents.

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