New Tax Collector in Seymour

PHOTO: Jodie MozdzerSeymour residents will see a familiar face in the tax office next year. 

The town’s assistant tax collector, Dana Flach, was named the new tax collector on June 5.

Flach, 53, will replace retiring tax collector Robert Anderson on June 15. 

Board of Selectmen members voted unanimously to appoint Flach to the post.

Dana is qualified. She knows the town,” said Board of Selectman member Karen Stanek. 

Flach started working in the town’s Water Pollution Control Authority office 22 years ago. She has also worked in the assessor’s office, and has spent the last 12 years as the assistant tax collector. 

I think it’s great that we can promote from within the town,” said Board of Selectmen member Nicole Klarides-Ditria. 

There were 16 applicants for the position. 

Flach said she looks forward to the challenge of the post. The town’s tax collection rate is at 98 percent, she said. 

First, she wants to get through the new tax bills, which will be mailed out in July. 

Things could get complicated this year if the town doesn’t pass its school budget by the new fiscal year. 

If there is no approved budget as of July 1, the town sends out tax bills based on the 2011 – 2012 tax rate — 31.95 mills, adjusted for revaluation.

Then, once the budget is approved, the tax office will send out a supplemental tax bill for the increase. 

It’s not clear what salary Flach will make yet: The administrators’ union is still negotiating its 2012 – 2013 contract. 

The current salary for the position is $61,279.

The Board of Selectmen voted to advertise for a new assistant tax collector, which they hope to hire by July 1. 

It is of extreme importance that we have two people in the tax office by July 1,” First Selectman Kurt Miller said. 

The Board of Selectmen this month also approved advertising for a part-time human resources director. 

The position is advertised at $40,000.

Miller said the town wants to see what kind of applicants it gets. Then the Board of Selectmen will decide if it should hire a part-time employee or seek out a consulting firm for the task. 

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