News From The Naugatuck Valley Council Of Governments

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) has published a list of area transportation projects funded by the US Department of Transportation. 

The projects are funded via $133 million for the Central Naugatuck Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CNVMPO) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Projects include a wide range of interstate and state roadway and bridge upgrades, as well as Greenways.

The table accessible online features projects that were obligated for reimbursement in Federal Fiscal Year 2019 (October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019) through the metropolitan planning process. 

Once a project has been included in the TIP, it can be authorized for federal reimbursement. Upon receiving Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) authorization, funds are assigned to the project and available for reimbursement to the implementing agency.

For the list, please visit the NVCOG website at the following link:

Question or comments about the annual list of obligated projects may be sent to:

Christian Meyer
49 Leavenworth Street, Third Floor
Waterbury CT, 06702
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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