Nine Mile Players Will Hold Playwright Contest

Attention Connecticut writers, have you ever dreamed of hearing a piece of your work read by actors in front of an audience? Do you have an original piece of work that you’d love to have performed? The Nine Mile Players of Oxford are proud to announce The Nine Mile Players New Works Contest, its 2012 – 2013 competition for emerging playwrights. 

A panel of judges including local playwrights, actors, directors and theatre enthusiasts will review the submissions and select an original and un-produced piece of work to be performed in a staged reading by the Nine Mile Players in the spring of 2013. 

The winner will also receive a prize of $200 and an opportunity to be an in-house writer for the Nine Mile Players. All playwrights are encouraged to submit an original one act play with a running time of under an hour.

All submissions must be under an hour and received by Monday March 4, 2013. For more information or to submit your work, please e‑mail: NineMilePlayers@OxfordCulturalArts.Org or visit our website at: The Nine Mile Players have been made possible by the Connecticut Commission for the Arts and the Connecticut Community Foundation.

Submissions for the 2013 Competition must be postmarked no earlier than December 2, 2012 and no later than March 4, 2013. 

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