NVHD Photo
SEYMOUR — EDITOR​’S NOTE: The Naugatuck Valley Health District announced Monday that it is holding COVID-19 vaccine clinics for eligible people.
This is not for the general public. People cannot just show up.
Eligible people at this point include: healthcare personnel, medical first responders, and long-term care facility residents, according to a Facebook post from the health district.
The pool of people is expected to gradually expand. The Naugatuck Valley Health District’s Facebook post notes that currently Connecticut is in Phase 1a.
“Phase 1b is expected to begin on January 18th but information is rapidly changing so to check if you are eligible or for Sate Vaccination Phases and Eligibility updates, please visit
https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Vaccination — -Phases?.
The post from the NVHD is below:
The Naugatuck Valley Health District (NVHD) is excited to announce we have joined this historic benchmark in the fight against coronavirus disease 2019 and are now offering free Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine by appointment to eligible individuals!
Immunization clinics will be held at the Seymour Community Center (20 Pine Street, Seymour, CT 06483) on Wednesdays (1 – 3PM), Thursdays (10AM-3PM) and Fridays (9:30AM-1PM) until further notice.
Eligible individuals must register and complete all online registration forms through the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS), initiated by their employer. Walk-ins and non-eligible individuals will be turned away. Recipients will also be asked to sign an attestation form upon arrival for their appointment. Clinic appointments and times may vary so please check VAMS for appointment availability and confirmation.
What is the Moderna COVD-19 Vaccine?
From the manufacturer: The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). For more information about the vaccine, please visit https://www.modernatx.com/covid19vaccine-eua/recipients/.
Who is currently eligible?
The State of Connecticut is currently in Phase 1a of the vaccine roll out plan. Currently, healthcare personnel, medical first responders, and long-term care facility residents have been approved for vaccinations. Phase 1b is expected to begin on January 18th but information is rapidly changing so to check if you are eligible or for Sate Vaccination Phases and Eligibility updates, please visit: (this website)
What should I expect at my appointment?
When you arrive for your scheduled appointment time, you will check in at the registration table to verify all online forms are complete and sign the attestation form. You will then be assigned to a vaccination station where you will get your shot. Please wear a loose-fitting shirt that can be rolled up high enough to expose your deltoid. You will be required to sit in an observation area for 15 minutes after vaccination to monitor for the occurrence of immediate adverse reaction.
How can I sign up to volunteer?
Individuals who are 18 years and older with both medical and non-medical backgrounds may sign up online at ctresponds.ct.gov to become a member of the Naugatuck Valley Medical Reserve Corps. A Unit Leader will contact you to schedule a Loyalty Oath Ceremony. You will then be able to respond to local mission requests.
We know a lot of individuals are eager to become vaccinated and appreciate your patience while we await further guidance from the State of Connecticut regarding future phases and eligibility updates.