First Selectman George R. Temple announced Thursday that the Oxford Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to name the town’s new playscape “Lily Park,” in honor of Lily Brooks, who died after an automobile collision on Sept 11. She was 3 years old.
“Like many Oxford residents I was deeply saddened by the tragic death of Lily. Although I did not know her, I have known hundreds of kids like her. They are eternal optimists, carefree and require the warmth and familiarity of the family unit,’’ Temple said in a prepared statement. “Our world can’t afford to lose even one beacon of hope. We are all diminished by her loss and extend our heartfelt sympathy to her parents, family and friends. Their loss is unimaginable.’’
Temple said naming the playcape for Lily on Wednesday night “is small and inadequate gesture but children and parents will know her name for years to come when they go to Lily Park for a play date. Her spirit will be among friends.”
Temple said many people have asked what they can do to express their grief at Lily’s loss. He said employees at Town Hall are collecting money for the family. Any town hall employee will see that donated money goes to the Lily Fund.
Temple also wants to invite everyone in town to be part of Oxford’s newest park project.
Starting on Saturday and Sunday, (Sept. 21 and Sept. 22) Oxford will be assembling a new playground across from Great Oak Middle School, on Great Oak Road.
“We need your help. It is located in the turnaround across from the Great Oak School. You don’t need tools or skill, just a desire to complete this project for the memory of Lily and for the enjoyment of our young children,’’ Temple said in a prepared statement.
The playground will consist of two playscapes – one for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years and a second for children ages 5 – 12 years.
There will be swings and slides, poles to climb, ladders to scale, beams to balance on, sand to dig and build upon and a cabin to hide in.
More than 90 percent of this playground will be constructed of recycled materials and it will be ADA Compliant.
The purchase and construction of this park has been augmented by grants and private donations.