The Oxford Preschool serves children from three to five years old with identified developmental delays. It meets 4 mornings and/or 4 afternoons each week with 3 certified teachers, a speech & language pathologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and 6 instructional assistants.
We are seeking peer models for the “reverse mainstreaming” component for the 2010 – 2011 school year. Reverse mainstreaming means bringing children without developmental delays into the Preschool class to serve as peer models. Now in the 21st year, this district sponsored preschool is operated at Quaker Farms School.
Research has shown that developmentally delayed children learn more by having other children with strong speech and language, cognitive, play, and social skills in the class as role models. An integrated setting provides a more stimulating environment for all children to progress normally.
Parents who are interested in enrolling their three to five year olds in the program as peer models for the 2010 – 2011 school year can pick up applications at Quaker Farms School, beginning April 12TH.
Peer model applicants will be screened for their appropriateness in June and selected by lottery. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RETURNED TO QUAKER FARMS SCHOOL BY MAY 14, 2010.
The following criteria is necessary:
1. Child must be 3 years of age by June 1, 2010.
2. Child must be completely toiled trained by the peer model screening date in June. Diapers or pull ups should no longer be necessary.
Please call Mrs. Luce at 203 – 888-5842 if you have more questions.