On Thursday, April 25, the nonprofit organization Parents 4 a Change (P4AC) will be hosting an event at Oxford High School.
OHS senior Haley Krivensky has been working with P4AC founder, Mary Marcuccio, to organize the event as part of her senior Capstone project.
Marcuccio will speak about the harmful effects of teen opiate abuse, the ​“red flags” every parent should look out for, and the many ways parents can help their children suffering from substance abuse and drug addiction.
Learn how to make your home and community an unfriendly environment to drug use and activity. An educated parent is an empowered parent!
The free event will be held at Oxford High School, 61 Quaker Farms Road, in the gymnasium from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Parents and students over the age of 16 are welcome to attend.