Oxford’s Connelly Praises CIAC Schedule Changes

Oxford Superintendent James Connelly called the CIAC boneheaded” in the way it handled sports scheduling after Hurricane Irene. 

But Friday, Connelly said the statewide athletic conference has done a much better job handling sports schedules after the October snow storm that leaves thousands in the state without power. 

Their response this time is much better, much more sensitive to what we’re dealing with on the ground here in the school district,” Connelly said.

Connelly is referring to CIAC’s decision Thursday to postpone fall tournaments for soccer, field hockey, volleyball and swimming. They were scheduled to begin on Nov. 7.

Click here to read the CIAC press release on the changes.

It reads, in part:

“Maintaining this schedule would require that many student-athletes would enter tournament competition after numerous days without practice or game play. After a thorough review of the calendar, discussion with tournament directors, and communication with potential host sites, the CIAC has developed a revised schedule for tournaments for the previously mentioned four sports.”

Connelly said travel to some of the competition schools would still be out of the question, as towns and CL&P continue to clear trees and wires, and restore power. He said he has to put the students’ safety before sport rules and schedules. So he was pleased when the CIAC made the same decision.

“When people do something right, I think they should be commended,” Connelly said. “I’m very pleased that CIAC announced last night it had changed schedules and moved tournaments back a week.”

Click here to read more about the changes in the Connecticut Post.

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