Massive ‘Venting Session’ At Shelton School Meeting

Just how many people turned out at Wednesday’s school board meeting?

There were SUVs parked under swing sets.

Cars blocked a lane on Booth Hill Road.

Cars parked within five feet on either side of the Booth Hill Elementary School signs.

Vehicles stretched down Federal Road, past the intersection with Sorel Drive.

A beleaguered Shelton police officer wondered why no one told police there would be such a large turnout — then threatened to start towing cars that were parked on people’s lawns.

That’s right — there were so many people in attendance, people parked on front lawns.

The meeting was a collective venting session, as one resident put it. 

Click the videos on this page to see a fraction of the comments that came from the public.

Parents — and dozens upon dozens of students — were at Booth Hill Elementary to urge the school board to do something, anything — to prevent the massive layoffs and program cuts that are being predicted if the Shelton school district does not receive its requested $3.5 million spending increase for the 2010 – 2011 school year. 

The large crowd — probably totaling 650 people, more than the capacity allowed in the school’s gym area — could be a preview for next Wednesday.

That’s when parents and students plan to rally at Shelton City Hall, where the Board of Aldermen could have final say on whether to grant the increase.

Mayor Mark Lauretti has recommended the district receive a zero percent increase. He points to the recession as proof that everyone — including the school district — needs to tighten the belts.

The school district is requesting $66.5 million to run the school for the 2010 – 2011 school year. That’s an increase of roughly $3.5 million — or 5.6 percent.

Some 60 teachers received word this week they may be laid off.

Parents are mobilizing — in the street and online.

At least two parent groups have formed. 

Coming Together for Education” created by parent Lisa Tremblay, already has 318 Facebook fans. The group plans a rally to show their support for the education budget scheduled for 4 p.m. March 31 at Shelton City Hall. Visit the group’s Facebook page here.

Yes to Education in Shelton” (YES!) launched a Web site today (Wednesday, March 24). They intend to be at the March 31 as well, said Carla Sullivan, a former member of the Shelton Board of Education and a mother of three Shelton students.

Click here to visit their Web site.

The group held its first meeting Tuesday morning at the Shelton Community Center. Forty-three people attended, Sullivan said.

The goal is to form a political action committee or non-profit group, Sullivan said.

The group’s next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m.March 29 at Community Center craft room no. 1

We have a short-term strategy and a long-term strategy,” Sullivan said. In the short term, we would like to have some money added back into the education budget. Our goal is to persuade the Board of Aldermen to vote to increase that line item.”

Over the long-term, the group hopes to become a permanent, positive supporter of the city’s education system.

Click here to read Superintendent Freeman Burr’s explanation of the spending increase.

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