Paul Brushitis Honored For 50 Years With Paugassett FD Company

On Saturday, April 14th members of the Paugassett Hook & Ladder Company #4 presented 50 year member Paul Brushitis with a gold 50 year badge from the Company and a certificate from the Connecticut State Firefighter’s Association honoring Paul Brushitis for 50 years of service to the Paugassett Hook & Ladder Co. #4 and the Derby Fire Department.

Members gathered at the Marshall Lane Manor in Derby, where Brushitis now resides, along with family members to present Paul with his badge.

After a brief ceremony the members gathered outside with Brushitis and took a photograph standing beside the Paugassett Ladder Truck #15.

Family and members then celebrated with cake and coffee in the home’s recreational room.

Here are two pictures from the event.

The top photo shows members gathered around Brushitis after Capt Tracz pinned Brushitis’s 50 year badge on his uniform. 

The picture in front of the truck is the members gathered around Brushitis while Captain Mike Tracz presents him with his certificate.

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