Photo Gallery: Post 10 In Seymour Marks Veterans Day

Photo: Eugene DriscollThank you for your service.

It was the simple yet powerful message veterans in Seymour said to each other after a Veterans Day service in French Memorial Park.

The vets had already been at it for hours by the time the 11 a.m. ceremony rolled around.

Members of Emil Senger Post 10 of the American Legion were at Seymour Middle School at 8 a.m. to raise the colors.

At 9:30 a.m. they dropped a wreath off the Bank Street (Route 67) bridge as a remembrance of all Navy veterans lost at sea.

At the main service in front of the town’s war memorials, American Legion Post Commander Mike Kearney reminded them that the G.I. Bill — 70 year old legislation that established a variety of benefits for veterans — was not easy to pass.

It is important to remember that veterans are serving us 365 days a year. The heroism that has been demonstrated time and time again since the American Revolution to global war on terrorism is sometimes unnoticed by those of us who enjoy the security that their sacrifice has provided,” Kearney said.

Article continues after 125 photos from Seymour on Nov. 11:

Also in attendance Tuesday were about 20 students from Seymour High School. The students, under the direction of social studies teacher Heather Brown, donated boxes of clothes and other items for veterans in the psychiatric ward at the veterans’ hospital in New Haven.

Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller also made brief remarks at French Memorial Park.

I’ve spend the last few days doing some research on what I should be saying at an event like this,” he said. This is the third or fourth one I’ve done and I don’t want to say the same thing over and over again. When I did my research and looked at different things, whether it was poems or speeches, there was one underlying theme — and that is simply to say, thank you,’” Miller said.

On Thursday (Nov. 13) members of Post 10 will visit Brown’s history class to talk about their military experiences. Then, on Friday, Post 10 members will be presenting the colors on the field before the start of the Seymour-Oxford football game.

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