Plans At Former Auto Dealership Move Forward

Developer Monty Blakeman’s rejected proposal to build a shopping center at the former Crabtree auto dealership on Bridgeport Avenue reappeared before the Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday night. 

There is a pubic hearing scheduled for March 24.

Blakeman’s 714 LLC is proposing a 132,742-square-foot retail center — and has apparently to resolved the question that scuttled the proposal last summer, over who owns or will own the Access Road on the 12.56 acre site at 405 – 407 Bridgeport Avenue, the corner of Nells Rock Road.

The main building is 126,942 square-feet, an appropriate size for a grocery store, according to project outlines published in the meeting notice. 

Blakeman developed the Split Rock shopping center, among other projects. He reportedly paid $5 million for the Crabtree property, which has been vacant since the dealership suddenly closed in mid-2007. There is apparently no name or theme for the proposed project, although Thomas said Blakeman is talking with prospective tenants.

We have no idea what stores would be there, but at this point the owners are talking to possible tenants, that’s the issue they are dealing with,” said Dominick Thomas, Blakeman’s lawyer, after the meeting at City Hall.

The big difference between now and a few years ago, is you had tenants line up to get spots. Today they wait until you get your approvals,” Thomas said.

More than 300 people signed a petition last year supporting the shopping center proposal, which comes during a recession when most cities and towns are struggling to find new economic development. 

Neighbors and other critics, though, said at the time they were concerned the shopping center would increase traffic on the narrow, winding roads behind the development.

But the deal breaker was who exactly owns the Access Road on the property. The Access Road is no longer an issue because the state has no interest in the road and all the communications with the city and state to resolve the question were completed last October. 

Thomas said following the meeting there is a process that will be followed so Blakeman can buy the Access Road.

The state is appraising the property now,” Thomas said.

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