SHELTON — The Children’s Department of the Plumb Memorial Library is hard at work readying for a major renovation.
Beginning Oct. 15, the department will be closed to the public as books are removed and stored, the electrical is updated and ceiling tiles and new flooring is installed.
Then, new shelves and furniture will be added before the books and other materials are put back in place.
Also included in the renovation will be new ceiling tiles, walls and flooring in the lobby and the stairway. The bathrooms will be updated by the City of Shelton in the near future.
This is the second phase of a building wide project that is being financially undertaken by the Library Board and the Friends of the Library. Jim Geissler, Library Board Chairman, anticipates the project costing about $150,000.
Library Director Joan Stokes encourages patrons to check out as many children’s materials as they can and an extended check out date will be given to the books. The fewer items in the library will be fewer items that need to be moved once the work starts in mid October. Completion of the renovation project is expected to be done by the end of the year.
Library patrons are also encouraged to visit the Huntington Branch for children’s materials and storytimes. A complete listing of the programs is available on the library calendar at: https://sheltonlibrarysystem.org/events/
If you have any questions please call the library at 203 – 924-1580 ext. 5105.