POW-MIA Vigil Planned In Derby

Catholic War Veterans Auxiliary Post 1562 located at 112 Derby Ave., Derby is hosting a POW/MIA vigil to honor 24 POW/MIAs still unaccounted for from the State of Connecticut and Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a POW currently being held in Afghanistan.

The 25-hour vigil starts at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 17, and will include an opening ceremony, volunteers to portray POW/MIAs in a bamboo cage dressed in appropriate attire, sunset prayer, midnight prayer and a closing ceremony.

The intent is to honor all of our current and former POW/MIAs in a somber and earnest way.

The volunteer prisoners will be dressed in prisoner attire, blindfolded and will sit/stand in the bamboo cage holding symbolic dog tags personalized to each of the 25 POW/MIAs.

When a prisoner’s” time is up a welcoming party will welcome them home in a symbolic matter.

This event will happen regardless of the weather as our POW/MIAs were/are subjected to all types of inclement weather, and so will the volunteers.

The opening ceremony will consist of the presentation of the American flag and POW/MIA flag by the Renegade Nights Battalion 2 in a motorcycle procession. Other motorcyclists are welcome to join in the procession.

Upon conclusion of the opening ceremony the first prisoner will be escorted to the cage, followed by a recital of the biography of the prisoner being represented. This process will continue on the hour, every hour, until all such prisoners have been represented. 

Throughout the ceremony individuals, veterans organizations, service organizations, businesses, etc. will have the opportunity to present a wreath at the cage as a way of paying their respects. 

Ceremonies of prayer and remembrance will occur at 8 p.m. Saturday (Sunset) and midnight.

Closing ceremony will include a bell ceremony in cooperation with the Paugassett Hook and Ladder Co. 4 of Derby and music will be provided by Gaelic Highland Pipe Band.

The public and most especially veterans are invited to attend at any time throughout the event, including the overnight hours.

For more information regarding this event please contact Kim Abenante by email at powmia1562@gmail.com or by phone at 203 – 893-0017.

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