Emergency officials in Shelton are at Gardner Heights Health Care, a nursing home that lost power about an hour ago.
A back-up generator kicked on after the initial power failure — but then the generator failed, according to Bob Albert, Shelton’s deputy fire marshal.
Shelton firefighters were first sent to the building at 172 Rocky Rest Road after a report of a fire in the generator, but that was a false report, Albert said.
United Illuminating is at the scene. At least five ambulances are at the nursing home to keep an eye on residents.
There are about 120 people living in the assisted living facility, Albert said.
There is no air conditioning running in the building due to the lost power, but residents are being kept inside because it is cooler in there than it is outside, where the temperature is almost 100 degrees.
Ambulance crews are bringing extra portable oxygen units to the building while UI checks out their equipment.
An employee at Gardner Heights said he was not authorized to speak to the public.