Prendergast School Celebrates ‘Mr. Murphy Day’

On Friday, Nov. 11, the students of John G. Prendergast School recognized the service of all veterans who have served our country and honored one very special veteran. 

Mr. James Jay” Murphy was recognized for his service during World War II

Mayor James Della Volpe was on hand during the assembly with an official proclamation declaring Friday Mr. Murphy Day” at Prendergast School. 

Mr. Murphy, 91 years old and a World War II Veteran described to the students his duties in Alaska during the War. He also spoke about taking pride in the school and community. 

As a lifelong resident of Ansonia, you should be proud of this school and the city of Ansonia. Listen to your teachers and pay attention, because you have a bright future in front of you,’ remarked Mr. Murphy. 

This program is part of a larger project that Prendergast School has undertaken. Last year, they began a program of teaming a class with two to three Veterans and becoming pen pals. 

The classes wrote to the Veterans and invited them into visit the class. For most Veterans the writing continued long after Veterans Day. 

My class loved writing letters from our Veteran and the kids loved the pictures that he sent back to us,” said first grade teacher, Amy Matott. 

A total of eight Veterans visited on Friday representing all branches of the military, both retired and active duty. 

Mr. Larry DiPalma, principal remarked, It was great to have more senior veterans like Mr. Murphy and some younger veterans who fought in Iran and Afghanistan as well. It helps our students understand the sacrifices that the veterans make so that we can have freedom. “ 

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