Proposed Law Would Benefit Seymour Redevelopment

Officials hope the state will pass a law that could kick start a proposed $20 to $25 million redevelopment project.

State Rep. Theresa Conroy, state Rep. Susan Johnson and state Sen. Dan Debicella are co-sponsoring a bill that would allow Seymour to create a River Falls Improvement District.

The bill is working its way through Hartford. It could come up for a vote next week in the state House of Representatives.

The bill, if it becomes law and is used by Seymour, would allow members of the district to take out bonds in order to cover costs for an environmental cleanup at the properties.

That would be good news for Russ Smith, who is in contract to purchase both the Housatonic Wire Co. and the Seymour Lumber Co. on Route 67.

Smith, of Amity Construction and Design of Salem, announced plans in December to transform the properties into a mix of restaurants, apartments, offices, retail shops — even a hotel — all on six acres that would include the Little River and falls. The project is still in the early stages.

Click here to read the Valley Indy’s original report on the project.

Smith has hired the North Carolina architectural firm of Shook Kelly to draw up the plans for the redevelopment project, which would encompass some 120,000 to 180,0000 square feet.

I think this project will put Seymour on the map. It’s a great town and a great location and it will provide the town with taxes, recreation and jobs for people,’’ Smith said.

Photo: Joanne M. PeltonSmith said he’s hoping to build the project with federal, state and private funding. 

He said he would like to start remediation at both sites this year as well as demolish the structures now on the sites. He said construction would probably be in phases and start in 2011.

Alex Budzinski, owner of Housatonic Wire, which closed in 2008, said Smith is a long-time friend. 

This property is a piece of me and my heritage and I think this will be a beautiful project,’’ said Budzinski.

Town officials want the project to get off the ground so it can boost the grand list.

This would give a big boost to our town to have this project go forward. I’m really excited about it. It’s a terrific plan,” Roy said.

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