Protests Demand: A ‘World We Want To See’

LIBERTY PARK—Instead of listing demands, the activists occupying” Wall Street said they’re building an alternative vision to the world they reject right in the heart of New York’s financial district — and offering a vision of what may arrive in New Haven next week on a smaller scale.

That vision has unfolded over the past three weeks, as a loose association of free spirits has built a tarp-covered, cooperative community in Zuccotti Park on Broadway. The group congealed around the broad goal of fighting corporate greed and its impact on unemployed and foreclosed-upon citizens, seeking to tap into the Arab Spring to launch an American revolution of its own.

As the Occupy Wall Street movement grabs international headlines and begets occupations” around the nation—including this one planned for New Haven next week— observers have pressured the group to come up with a list of demands. What policy proposals are they uniting around?

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