Q & A: FF Productions

Photo: Nina LeffIt’s not a marketing firm. And it’s not a talent agency.

FF Productions, a new business opening in Ansonia this Saturday, is more of a jumping off point for aspiring singers, models and entertainers who want to make it big. 

That’s according to Nathan Page, the owner of the new company located on East Main Street in Ansonia. 

If you’re still confused about what exactly this new business will do, read on.

Page sat down with the Valley Indy this week to talk about his new company and the talent hiding under the surface in the Valley. 

Valley Indy: What exactly is FF Productions?

Nathan Page: FF Productions simply is a sales consultation firm, more or less designed to help entertainers go to the next level. We’re not a marketing firm, we’re not a talent agency. What we do is we take those who may have a gift, an ability, a desire to make it to a higher level, but don’t know how to do it. 

Valley Indy: What does the FF in your name stand for?

Page: My church’s name (where Page is the Pastor) is Full Faith. I’m a total believer that anything that we put our hands to as Christians, it will prosper. So even though I’m here, I still pastor. …I’m a man of full faith.

Valley Indy: What will your role in the process be?

Page: My role would be to bring up-and-coming talent in, teach them or show them the steps to take, help them to get their demos or portfolios out, and actually solicit the music production studios as well as the videographer’s studio, as well as the photographer, as well as be more hands-on. 

Valley Indy: What made you decide to open the office in Ansonia?

Photo: Nina LeffPage: This is our base, this is a new venture. The actual truth is, I pastor a church, and I see so many young people with gifts and dreams and desires that don’t know how to fulfill them. …My desire is to help people. It’s not just about having a church or being a pastor in a church, but it’s about going out into the community. …If you dream it, you can believe it. 

Valley Indy: What kind of things do you have planned so far?

Page: We have a big talent show coming up September 11…in Seymour, and the prize for all of this will be that a first class recording studio will be giving away a full recording of a CD to the winner. 

Registration will entail a registration fee, $35 for solo acts and $50 for group acts. It is a three minute to five minute segment, and basically, you really have to bring some sort of presentation. We’re not just gonna allow anybody to show up. What we’re trying to do, what we’re expecting to do, is to have this once a month. It’s not something that we want to have just once a year. We want it to be ongoing so it generates the talk. 

Valley Indy: What is your ultimate goal? Do you want to grow into a representation agency, or stay as a launching point” for aspiring artists?

Page: I really believe it’s going to be a jumping-off place, but I also believe that it’ll be a nucleus where people will be able to come, whether it be to continue to go to recording studios, or if they want to get their graphics done for up-and-coming events, or the videography part of it.

FF Productions is something that is actually pushing people into their future, to make sure they have the right things in order…This is a place right here in the Valley where you can get from A to Z and be covered.

Fees for services may vary. Contact Page at (203) 751‑9220 for more information.

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