Derby Mayor via Facebook
Rob Hyder was appointed to the Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen last week. Photo taken from Mayor Rich Dziekan’s Facebook page.
DERBY — Rob Hyder, a married father of two involved in just about everything in Derby, was appointed to the Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen last week.
Hyder is filling the vacancy created when Louis Oliwa, a Republican, resigned from the board earlier this month.
Hyder is now a Republican, having recently switched local allegiances. He’s running on the Republican line for a full, two-year term in November.
Here is a Q & A I conducted with Hyder:
Valley Independent Sentinel: You’re involved in a lot of activities in Derby, especially when it comes to Derby’s youth. Name some of the civic groups, commissions or organizations you’re involved with.
Rob Hyder:” I have been involved in serving Derby for many years. I have served in many capacities under different mayoral administrations of both major party affiliations. Some of the ways that I have served Derby include: City of Derby Hearing Officer under Mayor Dziekan (current), Athletic Complex Building Committee (current), Derby Running Club President and Co-Founder (current), Press Box Spotter for Derby High School Football (current), currently working with distinguished DHS alumni to create the DHS Alumni Association, City of Derby Ethics Commission under Mayor Staffieri, volunteer to facilitate winter workouts for Derby High School Baseball, City of Derby Roof Replacement Committee for Irving, Bradley and DHS under Mayor Dugatto, Former Third Ward Chair of Derby Democratic Town Committee, Campaign Advisor and Volunteer for Mayoral Candidates Dan Foley and Carmen DiCenso, Derby Little League Vice President, Derby High School Freshman Football Head Coach, Derby Little League Baseball Coach, Derby Pop Warner Football Coach, Derby Recreation Basketball Coach, Derby Youth Soccer Coach.”
VIS: Tell us a little bit about your family. Your wife, Tara, is well-known in the community. How many children do you have and what are their names?
Hyder: “I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Tara, for 20 years. Michael is a sophomore at Derby High School and Emma is a seventh grader at Derby Middle School. It is important for Tara and I to model service, volunteerism and giving back to the community to Michael and Emma, and this is why they attend many meetings and events with us. I was raised in Derby, went to school in Derby, lived in Derby my whole life in five different homes on both sides of town for over 46 years, chose to raise my family here and I love to give back to my city.”
VIS:I first met you while you were managing one of Dan Foley’s runs for mayor a few years back. You were fairly involved in the city’s Democratic Party, right? If I remember correctly, your dad was heavily involved in the city’s Democratic Party, too?
Hyder: “When we first met, I was heavily involved in Dan Foley’s mayoral campaign and the Derby Democratic Town Committee. I served as Third Ward Chair and I created the Facebook page that the Derby Democrats currently use today. I learned about service to my community as a child from my grandfather, the late David Merkle.
My grandfather was a staunch Democrat who loved this city so much and he served proudly alongside the late Mayor Rich Grande. As a child, I drove around town with my grandfather distributing “Grande for Mayor” signs. I also learned about service and taking care of our community from my inspirational coaches, such as Coach Charlie DiCenso, Coaches Mr. and Mrs. Rovinelli, Coach Bob Miani, and the late Coach Danny Rodriguez. They made me want to be just like them and make this great city even better.”
VIS: What motivated you to switch “sides,” for lack of a better word, and join the Republicans under Mayor Rich Dziekan?
Hyder: “I have decided to run for alderman under the endorsement of the Derby Republicans for several reasons. The first reason is because I don’t find myself to be aligned with the direction of some of the newly involved Democrats in Derby.
In addition, I am pleased with the work being done by Mayor Dziekan and his staff. Mayor Dziekan is open to ideas from people of various political affiliations because he knows that if you love this city and have good intentions, we are better together.
When I decided to accept endorsement from the Republicans, it was very important to me to reach out to some of my longtime friends and members of the Democratic Party to tell them myself. I was grateful to have their full support in my endeavor.
On the local level, it is not about political affiliation as much as it is about working together to do what is best for your community.”
VIS: You were nominated to run for Alderman a month ago. What’s the
campaign been like so far?
Hyder: “I am not involved in the day-to-day campaign planning in ways that I have been in the past. Candidates are at the beginning stages of campaigning. Fundraisers have already begun and the campaign will likely become more active after Labor Day.”
Note: The Valley Indy hopes to email similar Q&As to all candidates for Derby Aldermen/Alderwomen shortly.