Ken Hughes, a Derby native and a member of the city’s Board of Aldermen, is also the superintendent of parks in Norwalk (population 86,000).
Hughes was hired in 2009 and was recently profiled in Turf Magazine, a trade publication that reaches about 75,000 readers a month.
Click here to check out the article in all its glory.
The Valley Indy recently exchanged e‑mails with Hughes in which we talked about the article, landscaping and Bill Murray.
Valley Indy: According to the article in Turf, at 12 years old, you chose a riding mower over a go cart — AND YOU STILL HAVE THE MOWER. That’s crazy. When did you become obsessed with lawn maintenance.
Hughes: “I remember as a kid looking out my parents window and watching the neighbor have his lawn cut. I was mesmerized by all the equipment and getting to work outside. I was probably 5.”
Valley Indy: Tell the truth. Did you ever have your G.I. Joe action figures set up to do battle with the guys from Star Wars only to chop them all up under the Wheel Horse’s razor-sharp rotating blades?
Hughes: “Ha ha. I was always too busy working to play with dolls. I did have a Fisher Price leaf blower, though.”
Valley Indy: Did your tractor, officially dubbed ‘the Wheel Horse,’ by the manufacturer, have any nicknames?
Hughes: “No, I never named it, but maybe I should now.”
Valley Indy: I walk on my yard in Derby and it feels like there are 1,000 little tunnels in the grass. Plus I find small clumps of gray hair everywhere. I assume these are garden gnomes. How do I kill them?
Hughes: “Well, if you are one of the lucky few who have the gnomes, please take a picture. If you are like the rest of us, you probably have white grubs, which is the favorite food source of a mole. Get rid of the grubs, you get rid of the moles. The rest of the info I would have to charge you for.”
Valley Indy: You’re the superintendent of parks in the City of Norwalk. The Turf article talks about the great lengths your team goes to keep the parks clean. You know who likes parks? Dogs, Ken. Dogs. Is this why you’ve proposed a law seeking to ban dogs in the City of Derby?
Hughes:” There are only 1 1/2 parks in Norwalk, out of about 45, which allow dogs. There are only 2 sites in Derby which do not allow dogs. The math is in my favor.”
Valley Indy: Seed or sod?
Hughes: “Depends on the area and the amount of money you have.”
Valley Indy: Why do you get up so early?
Hughes: “I’m kind of creeped out you know what time I get up.”
Valley Indy: Let’s move on. You’re a guy who seems to love his job. Is that true and what’s the best part of the job?
Hughes: “I don’t consider what I do a job. Don’t tell my wife, but I only used one vacation day out of five weeks, and our year ends June 30. The best part of my job are those whom I work with, and seeing people enjoy the fruits of our labors.”
Valley Indy: Hollywood has never been kind to groundskeepers or landscape architects. Which fake groundskeeper do you find most offensive? Bill Murray as Carl in Caddyshack, Groundskeeper Willie in The Simpsons, or Jeff Fahey in Lawnmower Man?
Hughes: “I’m not into movies. The last movie I actually went into a theater to see was ‘A Bugs Life.’”
Valley Indy: Answer — Groundskeeper Willie, because he’s also offensive to the Scottish. Last question — who are your role models?
Hughes: “My parents. I have gleaned the best traits of both.”