Readers React To Ansonia College Idea

The Valley Indy’s most read story April 11 was Jodie Mozdzer’s report about an idea to lure a community college to downtown Ansonia.

The story received 39 likes’ on the Valley Indy Facebook page, along with about 14 comments.

Here is what people said on Facebook as of 3 p.m. Wednesday:

Bill Calcagni: Sounds like a terrific idea…it would bring revenue to downtown, and just be a nice thing to have for the people of the Valley…a community college in their backyard…wonderful!!!!”

Marcin A. Mazurek: probably not. Consider how long it would take to renovate, hire staff, and begin advertising – We may get another case like that bridge they’ve been building in New Haven over god knows how many years.”

Laura Reilly: renovation = jobs!ignorance is bliss !”

Anthony Rodriguez: horrible idea. I am a Housatonic Community College student and at this and the other Comm colleges across the state they had to lay off an average of 30 professors to fill budget gaps….its so bad i had to change my major simply because some classes just are not offered at accessible times anymore (one class once a YEAR, if your lucky enough to get in) Thers a comm. college in New Haven and Bridgeport and Naugatuck, Ansoina doesn’t need one especially when there is BARLEY the funds to properly run the ones we DO have. How are they going to build ANOTHER school when we cant afford the ones that already exist…typical BIG IDEA, LITTLE MONEY TO DO IT” political idea that would hurt more than help.”

Christopher Bowen: If done quickly, sure. But please, none of this University of Phoenix type stuff.”

Marc Weissman: Fantastic idea! Kudos to Vinnie G Scarlata and his team for their creative and forward thinking for the good of the Valley community and beyond. Locally, accessible education at any level is always a worthwhile investment, and given the fact that Ansonia is home to both a traditional” and a tech” school, this would bode well for STUDENTS to continue on their respective paths withing the same institution. Plus, given the current job market situation, a community college would also give Valley ADULTS a convenient, affordable opportunity to take some classes or perhaps even go back full-time and obtain a career-opening degree. BRAVO! Keep up the good work!”

Carrie Jones-Sollami: this would be fantastic!!! please please please!!!”

Laura Reilly: that it would be !”

Anthony Rodriguez: ‎@ Marc Weissman…but Marc…would it be worthwhile if it shrunk the already severely cut budget of the Comm. Colleges that already exist under extreme financial duress? Building yet another one would decrease the opportunities at THE OTHER colleges that aready got their budgets severely slashed. At a time were EVERY CT COMM. COLLEGE has been forced to DRAMATICALLY reduce class availability and teaching staff is it really a good idea to build another one that will draw from the already shrunken education budget? the idea is a paper looks and sounds good but the numbers that back it up would do nothing but hurt already suffering CT comm. college students and make success LESS LIKELY AND MORE DIFFICULT for all of us..”

Marc Weissman: In the short term, perhaps. Perhaps not. But regardless of any budgetary concerns that are present now and are likely economy-driven – which really is a separate issue – that does not mean that this is still not a good idea for the future of the community. Even if other CC’s are being forced to reduce, they still exist, and still provide an opportunity for learning. But regardless, there are plenty of Valley kids AND adults out there who a) are rushing into the workforce without continuing education simply b/c of logistics, desperation and accessibility, and b) many of them WOULD be more likely and able to attend a college with such close proximity (i.e. nearby classes right after work.) Now, I’m not saying that your concerns are not valid. They simply need to be addressed in parallel while this innovative idea is implemented, that’s all. The two are NOT mutually exclusive, and this is a VERY doable, worthwhile concept with the proper implementation.”

Mary Jo Chevarella: Great idea”

Anthony Rodriguez: Very well said Marc, i agree to an extent however the state tends to drag their heels on things like this. and as far as logistics goes, there are THREE comm. colleges within 15 minutes of Ansonia (Housatonic, Naugatuck Valley and Gateway), i mean that’s not too unreasonable logistically, and the evening classes for those who go after work are the very first classes to get cut as they are often taught by adjunct add on staff whom are more easily eliminated. The problem is if you start building a Comm College in EVERY micro area of the state you risk creating a school system that is un sustainable and in danger of collapsing under its own bloated weight. There are Comm Colleges in every region, they are poorly funded and understaffed. any available funds should go to fixing to ones we have before building more. They are concurrent issues because they draw from the same funds and grant programs.”

Wendy Anselmi: Do it God knows the Valley needs something!”

Matthew Sabetta: Sounds like an awesome idea to me…”


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