Register Now For Seymour Soccer Association’s 2014 Spring Soccer Season

Season: Mid April – Mid June

In-House Recreation Program consists of a weeknight practice & a game each Sunday

Travel Program consists of two weeknight practices & weekend games

Deadline for Registration is March 8, 2014!

Mail registration form to SSA, P.O. Box 397, Seymour, CT 06483.

IN-HOUSE REC PROGRAM FEE (DIVISIONS 1 & 2): $85 per child if played in fall 2013, or $90 per child if did not play in fall 2013

TRAVEL PROGRAM FEE: $130 per child if played in fall 2013, or $135 per child if did not play in fall 2013. 

For additional information and a printable registration form, please visit & remember to like us on Facebook at Seymour Soccer 

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