Rep. Gentile Becomes ‘Firefighter For A Day’

State Rep. Linda M. Gentile (D‑Ansonia, Derby) participated in the Uniformed Professional Fire Fighters Association of Connecticut (UPFFA of CT) Fire Ops 101 Day (April 15th) at the City of Hartford Fire Department Training Center.

The day’s purpose is for Connecticut legislators to gain an understanding of the everyday life of professional, career firefighters by utilizing a hands-on” approach.

Understanding the physical and mental requirements and firefighters’ protocol will help me better understand their issues at the Capitol,” said Gentile. This experience was really eye opening for me. I have always had a deep respect for what our firefighters do. This event just brought that respect to a much higher, greater level.”

Now I can fully understand and fully appreciate what they feel every time they run into a burning building or respond to a call for a motor vehicle accident,” Gentile went on.

Gentile encountered a series of scenarios simulating a typical day for a firefighter including:

  • Structure fire
  • Motor vehicle accident
  • Emergency medical incident
  • Rapid intervention team work

Gentile represents Derby and Ansonia in the Connecticut General Assembly.

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