Mayor James Della Volpe said the city ordered replacement sod and repairs to Nolan Field on Wakelee Avenue are scheduled to start this week.
“We’re going to tear up the field tomorrow (Thursday, Aug. 2) and put the sod in Friday,” Della Volpe told the Valley Indy Wednesday. “It’s takes about two-to-three weeks for the sod to take and we’re going to try to keep everyone off that field for a month-and-a-half,” he said.
Someone on an ATV or in a small vehicle damaged the field by driving on it. The damage was reported to the Ansonia Police Department Tuesday at about 6 a.m.
There are a series of deep tire tracks now scarring the field, which is home to the Ansonia High School football team. The Chargers are the 2011 Class M football state champions and finished last season 14 – 0.
The vandalism outraged the community, as evidenced by comments on the Valley Indy Facebook page.
Della Volpe is a former football coach himself and has been connected to Charger football since 1962, his freshman year of high school.
“There’s been people going up and putting graffiti up there, but no one has ever gone on the field and destroyed like this,” Della Volpe said.
The city has also sent notification to its insurance carrier Wednesday. The damage estimate is about $15,000.
Meanwhile, Vinnie Scarlata, chairman of the Ansonia Economic Development Commission, said his group is trying to organize a “Main Street Cares” initiative to help cover some costs connected to the vandalism.
In an e‑mail to local reporters Wednesday afternoon, Scarlata said the plan is to have a portion of proceeds from sales on Thursday, Aug. 16 donated to the cause.
The details and list of merchants was still being compiled, Scarlata’s e‑mail read.
The idea comes from Antonio’s restaurant owner Chris Setaro on Main Street. His eatery and several other businesses have signed on. More details will be released as the event comes together.
The idea was met with a hugely positive response on the Valley Indy Facebook wall Wednesday.
The mayor also pointed out 350 members of the city’s youth football league were scheduled to use other fields at the Nolan Field complex Wednesday.
“They’ll be there to practice. There are no problems with our practice facility, but they’ll have to reschedule scrimmages that are set for August,” he said.
FYI — Ansonia police said they had no other reports of vandalism Monday night into Tuesday morning.