Ed Norman thanked the police department for their cooperation in starting a Block Watch to deter crime in the Fourth Ward.
Norman, who is also a member of the city’s tax board, made a statement at Wednesday night’s Board of Police Commissioners meeting.
“Detective (Jerry) Tinney and Patrolman (Rick) Esposito have been instrumental in helping us along. We’ve had several meetings at the Charter Hose, which is in the center of the Fourth Ward. There’s been a lot of interest and activity throughout the west side in starting up other block watches,” Norman said.
Norman said the group wants to put up Block Watch Neighborhood signs to deter crime.
“I think there are 21 going up within the next few weeks. The police department is contributing to that cause. We also have a grant application for literature, signs and that sort of thing.”
At a Block Watch meeting in November, residents complained about burglaries and drug dealing. At a meeting of the same group in January, residents said they saw a improvement.
“I don’t think we would be anywhere without the cooperation of the detective and the patrolman,” Norman said.
Other Police Commission Highlights
- Norman said Charter Hose will be holding a “boot drive” at the intersection of Clifton and Division Saturday from 9 a.m. to about noon, so get your wallets out
- The city is sending a letter to United Illuminating asking that a street light be returned to the corner of Tremont and Beaver
- The state DOT does not support the installation of a crosswalk on Columbia Street at Main Street because it would create a dangerous situation for pedestrians
- Frank Heusser, Jr. isn’t happy with the result of an internal investigation conducted by the police department