Good family man. Successful business owner. One of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet.
Those are the words being used to describe Richard “Dick” Fiske, a 75-year-old Woodbridge man who is believed to have drowned after his scull row boat capsized Monday on the Housatonic River near the Oxford-Seymour line.
“I saw him on Sunday as he was leaving the gym, and he made a point of coming back in to say hello to me and ask about my family,” said Jill Schaefer, a friend for 25 years who worked out with Fiske in Woodbridge at the Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven. “He had such an incredible, upbeat personality and always cared to listen to what you had to say. I’m just heartbroken.”
The paragraphs above are from a Paul Singley article on Oxford Patch. Click here to continue reading Paul’s report.
The following photographs show the effort to recover Fiske from the river.
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