Rochelle’s Monthly Updates Continue

State Rep. Kara Rochelle (D – Ansonia/Derby) will host events this coming week as part of her larger twice-monthly open hours legislative series with the public.

Rep. Rochelle holds legislative update and community feedback sessions every third Monday and Friday of the month.

Her Monday event is slated for February 17 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Copper City Bar & Grill, 82 – 84 Main Street, Ansonia.

Rep. Rochelle will hold the same event on Friday, February 21 at The Valley Diner, 636 New Haven Ave., Derby from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.

These regular events are part of Rep. Rochelle’s legislative office hours for the public, which she started in January of 2019, shortly after her swearing into office.

I do my job best when I have feedback from you,” Rep. Rochelle said.

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