Route 8 Overpass Named For Ansonia Resident

It’s a community’s thank you for an Ansonia man who served his country and his community. 

The Route 8 overpass in Ansonia — spanning Hull Street — was dedicated to Vietnam veteran Brian F. Phipps last week. 

With a recognition like this, it’s a small thank you for a great man,” said Dennis Phipps, the younger brother of Brian Phipps. 

Phipps died in 2006 from cancer. He was 61. 

Ansonia officials held a dedication ceremony for the memorial bridge at the Ansonia Armory Friday, Dec. 16. 

The armory building was a fitting location for the dedication ceremony. The armory was Phipps’ first command post as a member of the United States Army, according to Ansonia Mayor James Della Volpe. 

Brian Phipps joined the army in 1968, Dennis Phipps said. He served for 35 years in the Army and National Guard, retiring as a Brigadier General. Brian Phipps earned a bronze star for his service in Vietnam. 

He literally saved his platoon in Vietnam,” Dennis Phipps told a crowd of about 50 people Friday, during the dedication ceremony. 

But he also served Ansonia, Dennis Phipps said. 

Brian Phipps was a member of the Board of Police Commissioners for more than a decade, before retiring because of his illness. He was a football coach for the Pop Warner teams in town for 25 years, Dennis Phipps said. 

PHOTO: Jodie MozdzerBrian Phipps also played football at Ansonia High School. Jarvis Field is visible from the spot on Route 8 where the dedication sign is posted.

Dennis Phipps started pushing to get the road dedicated to his brother about 14 months ago. 

I thought it was the best way we could recognize his accomplishments, and dedication to the city and country,” Dennis Phipps said. 

He met several times with State Sen. Joseph Crisco, who helped move the process along in the legislature. 

Brian Phipps’ wife, Nicole, said it was all Dennis Phipps’ doing. 

There’s nothing like a brother’s love,” Nicole Phipps said. 

When Nicole Phipps found out about the dedication, she said she was blown away.”

I’m just so honored,” Nicole Phipps said. Brian did so much for this community. He just loved this town.”

Brian Phipps’ son, Patrick, and daughter, Ellen, were also present at the dedication ceremony. 

Patrick summed up his reaction in one word:

Proud,” Patrick Phipps said. 

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