The second annual “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” event is being planned to kick-off fund raising events for Seymour Pink Inc., which raises money for Breast Cancer Research during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.
“Walk a Mile In Her Shoes” is a community walk, where men wear high heels and walk along Route 67 in Seymour. It will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday Oct. 2 at French Memorial Park.
The event is the idea of First Selectman Paul Roy and First Selectman candidate W. Kurt Miller.
Article continues after video from last year’s event.
There will be an entry fee and pledges or donations made to each participant. Pledge sheets are available at town hall or on the Seymour Pink website.
Complete rules may be found on the entry form. While the idea is to involve men in an effort to raise awareness, women and children are invited to participate. Men not wearing heels are also invited to take part in the event.
There will be prizes for the top finishers wearing heels in the walk as well as an award for the best costume.
The event will start at the far end of French Memorial Park and continue up Spruce Street to North Street and conclude at Hot Tamale’s Restaurant where a light lunch will be served.
Other Seymour Pink Events include:
Sally Perzanowski Fundraiser and Breast Cancer Benefit
Sept. 24
8 p.m. at Reynolds Cafe on North Main Street in Naugatuck
$20.00 per ticket.
Griffin Hospital 5K Walk/Run
Oct. 1
Registration begins at 8 a.m. at the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital.
Details here.
Seymour Pink Day
Oct. 19
A town-wide event where residents and business owners wear pink and hold events to raise money for Breast Cancer research.
At 3 p.m., a Seymour Pink Day celebration will be held at Lanza’s Restaurant at 370 East Main St. in Ansonia.
Candy Coburn Concert
Oct. 21
7:30 p.m. concert at Seymour Middle School. Presented by Falcioni Painting to benefit the Seymour Pink fundraising efforts.
For more information on the Seymour Pink community fundraising effort and events, visit the group’s website.