State Representatives Theresa Conroy (D‑Ansonia, Beacon Falls and Seymour), who sits on the legislature’s Veterans’ Committee, is encouraging middle school students to enter an essay contest about why March 30th should be designated as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Connecticut.
Earlier this month, the Veterans’ Committee passed House Bill 5352, which would proclaim March 30th of each year Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Connecticut.
The Connecticut Chapter 120, Vietnam Veterans of American and the State of Connecticut Department of Veterans’ Affairs are sponsoring this essay project to encourage 6th, 7th and 8th graders to learn more about the heroism and importance of American servicemen and women who served in the armed services in the Vietnam War.
“This is a great opportunity for our young people to learn more about the sacrifices made and leadership shown by the men and women who served in Vietnam,” said Conroy. ​“It is also a chance for us to hear some fresh ideas and perspectives about the topic from a new generation.”
In 500 words or less, entrants must explain, ​“Why Should We Designate March 30th as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Connecticut?” All applicants must be a 6th, 7th or 8th grade student for the 2009 – 2010 school year and a legal resident of Connecticut.
Entries must be received by email no later than March 26, 2010, after which a panel of judges will select one essay winner and two runners-ups. The judges will weigh the power of the message, overall comprehension of the topic, clarity of thought, and spelling, punctuation and grammar. The contest winner and two runners-up will receive awards from the Vietnam Veterans of America and will be asked to read their essays at a state ceremony on March 30th.
Additional rules and information about the contest is available from Catherine Cook, the Director of Community Affairs at the state Department of Veterans’ Affairs, who may be reached at 1 – 860-721‑5826. Questions by potential applicants may be directed to Rep. Conroy at or 1 – 800-842‑8267.