Sacred Heart Academy named senior Caitlin Baker of Shelton the Academy’s 2011 – 2012 Scholar Athlete.
She will be honored at the 29th Annual Connecticut High School Scholar Athlete Awards Dinner in May.
Sacred Heart Academy picks one student each year based on cumulative grade point average, varsity sport participation, community service, self-discipline and leadership.
Baker is a member of the National Honor Society, treasurer of the French Honor Society, communications director for the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Math Society, captain of the cross-country and track teams and co-president of the Valley United Way Youth Leadership Program.
Baker is the daughter of Robert and Eileen Baker of Shelton.
William Sikorsky, the cross-country and indoor and outdoor track coach, said Baker is one of the top seven runners on the team. She qualified for the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) State Tournament, he said.
“She will graduate among an extremely strong class of seniors that typically places 100 percent of its members into competitive four-year colleges and universities,” said Patrick McAllister, Baker’s guidance counselor. “I am confident that Caitlin will be well-positioned for success.”