Save The Strand!

The Strand Theatre needs repairs but, in these tough economic times — there’s no extra cash laying around to help it.

That’s why local merchants and the Culture and Arts Commission formed Save Our Strand,” a group hoping to raise money for repairs.

The group will be holding a wine tasting Monday, Feb. 22 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Zois’ Pizza Palace at 48 Main St. The event is being sponsored by the pizzeria, Eder Brothers and Crown Liquors. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door.

You don’t even need to enter the nostalgic, second-run theater at the corner of Route 67 and Main Street to see it needs some tender loving care.

Its original neon marquee is rusted and peeling and in need of major renovation.

Inside the art deco style theatre, the original seats — circa 1940 — and carpeting need to be replaced. The interior hasn’t had a major renovation since 1991.

Judy Simpson, chairman of the town’s Cultural and Arts Commission said more than $22,000 is needed just for the marquee. A total of $50,000 will be necessary to do everything. 

We’re doing everything we can do to keep it afloat,’’ Simpson said. We’ll take any kind of help we can get,’’ she said.

Jon Szuch, chairman of the town’s Economic Development Commission said he noticed the theater was in disrepair as he toured the downtown with First Selectman Paul Roy and other town officials last week. 

Szuch said the windows and outside metal façade need work. He said he has contacted state and local politicians to see if the town will qualify for an economic stimulus package to help fix up the Strand.

Photo: Joanne M. PeltonIt is very sad to see many iconic structures begin to wane in terms of their aesthetics and primarily due to a lack of financial resources which is usually the issue at hand,” Szuch said.

Roy said he too would see if there are grants out there to help offset the cost to fix the building. 

When you come into the downtown it’s the first building you see,’’ Roy said. We will do what we can because we don’t want to lose it. It’s an asset to our town.’’

The Strand screens movies long after they are shown at large multiplexes. Currently the movies, The Princess and the Frog,’’ Nine,’’ and New Moon,’’ are showing. Cost is only $4.50 a ticket.

For more information on Save Our Strand,” call (203) 888‑1131.

Anyone who would like to donate money for renovations can send checks to: 1 First Street, Seymour CT. 06483. Checks should be made out to: Town of Seymour Culture and Arts Commission and at bottom of check please note: Strand Theatre Renovations.

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