The Derby Board of Education is reviewing a proposed 2012 – 2013 school budget totaling $16.2 million.
The budget carries a 5.2 percent increase over the existing school budget.
The proposed budget totals $16,252,825.
That is an increase of $803,640 from the current school budget.
Derby Schools Superintendent Stephen Tracy is scheduled to review the proposed budget at a Derby Board of Education meeting scheduled for tonight (Tuesday, Feb. 21) at 6:30 p.m. at the Derby Middle School cafetorium, 10 Nutmeg Ave.
Anyone can attend the meeting. Public comment is offered at the start of each school board meeting. The agenda is posted at the bottom of this article.
In a letter given to the school board Feb. 16, Tracy said the school district is facing a now familiar challenge:
“How do we translate limited resources into significant improvements in performance for our children and young people?” Tracy wrote.
“If anything, the academic and personal needs of the students whom we serve have increased during the past year. At the same time, the recession that has depressed tax revenues for the past three years continues,” he wrote in his letter. ​“Thus, once again we will need to make difficult decisions among competing and worthy priorities.”
The operating budget is actually $3 million less than in the past. That’s because last year school employee health benefit costs were transferred to the city side of the Derby budget.
The proposed school budget calls for staff reductions totaling $100,000. That is defined as cutting 1.1 positions in physical education and world language. Those programs are offered at the high school.
Some budget highlights:
- $50,000 for a librarian at Derby High School. The district cut the position during a past budget cycle to save money. The librarian would promote online learning, according to Tracy’s letter.
- $100,000 to participate in a regional alternative education program to address the high school’s drop out problem. The annual dropout rate in 2010 was 4.2 percent. The dropout rate increased to 7.2 percent in 2011. There are about 350 students in the high school.
- $50,000 for an additional teacher at the Irving School to staff a ​“transition program” for third graders struggling to make it to the fourth grade. The proposed budget also provides $50,000 for the same program at the Bradley School.
Derby school officials also plan to request capital funding to replace portions of the roofs at Bradley, Irving and the high school.
The school board and administrators are scheduled to discuss the proposed spending plan several times. All meetings are open to the public and public comment is usually offered at the start of all public meetings.
However, keep in mind the dates often change. Be sure to check the meeting schedules and read agendas at the Derby school district website.
Wednesday, Feb. 22: School officials discuss budget. Principals will discuss their budgets with the board.
Thursday, Feb. 23: School officials discuss budget. Principals will discuss their budgets with the board.
Monday, Feb. 27: School board scheduled to vote on budget
Tuesday, March 6: Derby tax board receives school budget