School Parent’s Perspective Needed On Seymour Board Of Education

A Board of Education should be composed of members who bring varied perspectives to their task of analyzing situations, interpreting data and legal mandates, and applying common sense and logic in formulating decisions and crafting school district policy. 

Soon, one important perspective will be missing from the school board – that of a parent with a child being educated in the Seymour schools. 

With your vote in November I will bring that perspective to the BOE.

The BOE members who will remain to serve the district after this election are five men who have varied occupational backgrounds: a retired teacher/administrator; an adjunct college professor; an attorney; and two engineers. 

As of July 2012 not one of these five members will have a child being actively educated in the Seymour Public Schools. 

While each of these individuals is a dedicated public servant and has spent countless hours working together to improve our school district, having a current parent on the BOE would allow for additional insight and the sharing of current relevant experience in the school system with the other board members.

If we are to continue to move the school system forward, I believe that the BOE needs to have varied representation, including that of a Seymour school system parent. 

Personally, I have a blended family of 5 children – a daughter who is a 2010 SHS graduate and a son who is a 5th grader at LoPresti School. I also have 3 step-children: a daughter who is a 2011 cum laude graduate of CCSU and 2 sons currently enrolled at Bristol Central High School. I have children who have excelled and some who have struggled; one who has participated in athletics and others who chose performing arts. 

I’ve been an active volunteer in the Seymour Schools for many years as a mystery reader, career day presenter, guest art instructor, and Spirit Club officer. I also worked diligently as PAC Treasurer to educate the public about the Chatfield-LoPresti building project prior to the referendum.

As a parent I’m concerned with the successful education of my own children but I am equally concerned with ensuring that all children in Seymour have access to a quality education. I see the schoolwork that my child brings home. I am interacting with faculty and staff in the schools on a regular basis. Communicating with other parents whether at a PTA meeting, the ball field or the grocery store affords me the opportunity to listen and respond to concerns from a similar perspective – that of a parent. 

On Nov. 8 you will have a choice of 5 candidates for the BOE. You may cast votes for only 2. The top 4 vote getters will earn the right to represent you as members of the BOE for the next 4 years. I ask that you stop and carefully consider your choices. Understand who the candidates are, and what they represent and hope to accomplish. 

Please don’t forget one of my important strengths – a parent’s perspective!

The writer is a Republican candidate for the Seymour Board of Education.

Editor’s note: The Valley Indy welcomes ​‘guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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