SEYMOUR — The Seymour Board of Selectpersons voted on October 4, 2022 unanimously to confer The 2022 Roberta M. King Excellence in Governmental Service Award to State Representative Nicole Klarides-Ditria and The 2022 Frank and Ann Conroy Outstanding Community Service Award to Jenny Rice.
The Seymour Board of Selectpersons established The Roberta M. King Excellence in Governmental Service Award on May 17, 2022 in honor and memory of Roberta M. King. Mrs. King served on the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Police Commissioners and other governmental agencies with great pride and devotion to assisting the people of the Town of Seymour through governmental service, especially with regard to emergency services. She was also involved with many Community organizations always working to improve life in the Town of Seymour.
The Seymour Board of Selectpersons also established The Frank and Ann Conroy Outstanding Community Service Award on the same date in honor and memory of Frank and Ann Conroy who served in many community and governmental service capacities during their life as residents of the Town of Seymour. Frank Conroy served as First Selectman, member of the Board of Selectmen, President of the Seymour Land Conservation Trust, a State Police Officer and the list goes on. Ann Conroy served as a Girl Scout leader, member of the Seymour Land Conservation Trust, Inc., member of the Seymour Pumpkin Festival Association, member of the Seymour Historical Society, was a founder of the Skokorat Area Civic Association and served in many other organizations. The Conroys were a dynamic couple who selflessly made Seymour a better place to live.
Nicole Klarides-Ditria is the State Representative representing the 105th District in the Connecticut House of Representatives. She previously served as a member of the Board of Selectmen. Her involvement in government parallels that of the manner in which Roberta M. King was involved always advocating for the people of her District.
Jenny Rice founded the Little Free Pantry on Skokorat on July 4, 2020 during the midst of the Covid Pandemic. The mission of the Little Free Pantry is “A Little Free Pantry aiming to make a big impact. We believe no act of kindness is too small, and sharing food is an expression of love. Through the help of our neighbors and community, we are working to provide a little food to a lot of people”. Jenny Rice has expanded the Pantry to include a Community Garden and Beehives. She has rallied the Community behind the cause with a quiet and humble demeanor. Jenny keeps the Pantry stocked with the support of her neighbors. The Pantry is available for anyone who needs food to utilize with no income guidelines and no judging. It is significant to note that, according to Ann Conroy’s daughter, Theresa Conroy, that Ann would often say “No one should ever go hungry”. Ann knew hunger well having grown up in an orphanage during the Depression. Frank Conroy grew up on a family farm in Seymour from which he delivered produce to the town with a horse and cart. According to Theresa Conroy, “Jenny encompasses many dimensions of what a community volunteer looks like: a ministry of service, creativity, integrity, respect and trust.”
The Board of Selectpersons conferred the King Award at its Oct. 18 meeting, and is scheduled to give out the Conroy Award in December.
The information above was submitted by Seymour Selectman Fred Stanek. Send ‘News By You’ submissions to ValleyIndependentSentinel@gmail.com.