The Town of Seymour’s new website is live after several months of development!
Click here to check out the new site.
It sports a sleek aesthetic, a user-friendly layout and increased functionality to improve the residents’ experience.
The project spanned the better part of a year in which town employees and members of Seymour’s Technology Committee worked with Evo Government Websites to overhaul the outdated platform that Seymour had been using since it first established a site almost 10 years ago.
(The town paid the company $9,600 to redesign the site, and will pay them about $150 monthly, the New Haven Register reported Jan. 22)
Much of the content from the old website was carried over to the new one so residents will be able to find any information they previously accessed.
The site’s layout has been simplified so that useful features such as the town’s online tax payment system (Reminder: the last date to pay taxes without late fees is Feb. 3!), current budget information and a handy map of downtown Seymour’s quaint shopping district are prominently featured on the front page.
The site also boasts several new features designed to minimize the amount of time required to perform basic tasks. For example, a new “Report an Issue” feature is available that creates a trackable ticket for any issue a resident would like to report.
The new site will also host videos of the Board of Selectmen’s meetings and may be expanded to include other boards in the future.
Finally, there is an interactive map feature that will allow residents to filter the map to show only the locations they are interested in, e.g. places of worship, municipal buildings, etc.
The new site went live Wednesday (Jan. 22) and there are still more features to come.
An all-inclusive permit information page, a Frequently Asked Questions page and others are on their way.
Residents are encouraged to browse the site and submit feedback regarding anything they would like to see added or changed on the site.