Seymour FD 2017 Totals


Seymour firefighters at the scene of a house fire on Patton Avenue in October 2017.

The Seymour Fire Department responded to 544 calls for service in 2017. 

This included seven structure fires and ten vehicle extrications. 

In addition to the seven structure fires, the department also responded to an additional 48 fires. 

These types of fires include dumpster fires, trash or rubbish fires, small cooking fires that did not extend into the structure, as well as numerous vehicle fires. 

Fortunately for the town and the residents the majority of our calls didn’t involve fire. 

Many of the responses the Seymour Fire Department went to included motor vehicle accidents, activated fire alarms, and smells of smoke. 

Thankfully there were no fatal fires in town this year.

It is important for all residents to remember that working smoke alarms save lives. 

Please test your smoke alarms monthly and change your batteries every six months. Smoke alarms should be replaced every ten years. 

Please report all fires by calling 911 immediately. 

Keep local reporting alive.