Seymour Gets Good Financial News As Miller Presents Proposed Spending Plan

Seymour Town Hall.

SEYMOUR — First Selectman Kurt Miller unveiled a budget Monday that calls for a mill rate increase of 0.1. That would cost someone with a house assessed at $150,000 about $15 more in taxes next year, Miller said.

Miller’s budget is a suggestion. The town’s Board of Finance crafts a budget. Ultimate approval is up to the voters of Seymour, who will vote on it later this spring. If approved, the spending plan goes into effect July 1.

From The New Haven Register:

“Miller’s proposal includes $34.7 million for the Board of Education and $23.4 million for the town side. The school board initially approved a budget of $35.3 million, or an increase of 3.6 percent over its current budget, but Miller’s proposal whittled that increase to 1.5 percent.”

A public hearing on the budget in front of the finance board is scheduled for 7 p.m. April 9 in the lower level of Seymour Town Hall.

In related financial news, the town recently got another pat on the back from affirmed Seymour’s credit rating at AA+ and stable. The ratings agency met with Seymour officials in person and
then talked on the phone for several hours analyzing the town’s fiscal practices, Miller said.

The review happened because voters approved borrowing money for road repairs and emergency radio equipment in November.

S&P Global Ratings credited Seymour for maintaining a healthy reserve fund, for planning ahead, and for generally keeping a close eye on finances.

“We view the town’s financial management as strong, with good financial policies and practices,” the report stated.

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