Seymour Historical Society Presents P.T. Barnum Program

It’s the 200th birthday of P.T. Barnum, and the Seymour Historical Society will hold a special program on the life of this great American showman on Sunday, Aug. 29 at 2 p.m.

The program will be presented by Marion O’Keefe, a longtime volunteer at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport and a recent recipient of a Governor’s Award for her dedication to local historical groups. 

Ms. O’Keefe will narrate a humorous slide show hitting the highlights of Barnum’s career. In the 19th century, the Connecticut native – who said, There’s a sucker born every minute” – offered the American public such oddities as Gen. Tom Thumb, promoted a tour by the Swedish Nightingale” Jenny Lind, and launched a circus that he immodestly called the Greatest Show on Earth.” 

What’s less known is Barnum was also an author, philanthropist and politician who served as mayor of Bridgeport and a member of the Connecticut legislature.

The Seymour Historical Society is located at 59 West Street, near the Trinity Episcopal Church. There is no admission charge for the program. 

Doors open at 1 p.m. for those wishing to tour the museums exhibits. 

For more information, call 203 – 881-2156 or contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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