The Seymour Middle School at 211 Mountain Road was scheduled to open at 6 p.m. Sunday as an emergency shelter, officials announced.
There is no school in Seymour Monday.
Connecticut Light and Power reported 100 percent of its customers without power Sunday afternoon. The town is advising residents full restoration could take up to five days.
The school at 211 Mountain Road will also be available as a place of electricity for those with medical needs, said Tom Eighmie, the town’s emergency manager.
He sent out a press statement at 3 p.m. indicating that those with medical needs can call Seymour dispatch at 203 – 881-5152 to provide their information to the dispatcher.
Also, if anyone needs transportation to the shelter they should call 203 – 888-1909.
The overnight accommodations will include hot showers for those residents without heat, power and hot water as the entire town faces a night without electricity.
“Due to the large number of residents without power, we ask if residents can first seek shelter with family or friends that have power,” Eighmie said in the press statement.
Those who use the shelter for the night are asked to bring their own bedding. Also, they should bring any medications they need, as well as snacks.
Bottled water and meals ready to eat from the state will be available.
If residents must bring a pet that cannot be left at home, the pet must be left in the family vehicle after the pet gets exercise on the school grounds.
The pets cannot be brought into the school, Eighmie said.
The message was to be sent via Code Red telephone alert system to all town residents signed up with the service.
Eighmie also urged residents to stay off local roads if possible, and avoid contact with power lines and downed trees with lines on them.