Seymour Police: Booster Club Treasurer Embezzled Funds

Superior Court in Derby.

The former treasurer of a Seymour High School football booster club allegedly pocketed nearly $9,000, according to a police investigation.

About $2,500 came from fundraisers, and some of the money went toward beer and cigarettes, according to an arrest warrant.

Erica Wabno, 38, is charged with third-degree larceny for thefts that happened between March and December 2017 while she volunteered with the Seymour Wildcat Kickoff Club.

She was arrested Feb. 23 and is scheduled to return to court in Derby April 27.

According to an arrest warrant written by Seymour Police Inspector Joseph DeNigris, kickoff club president Glenn Green filed a complaint with police Dec. 21, 2017 alleging Wabno had embezzled from the group.

Green told police he had been auditing the club’s finances when he noticed discrepancies in the books.

Wabno initially told Green that she had some deposits to make still,” according to the warrant.

Green went to the club’s bank, where he noticed several more withdrawals,” the warrant says. 

The bank manager also showed him video from an ATM machine of Wabno taking out cash.

Green and Kickoff Club Vice President Lenny Bercier went to Wabno’s home Dec. 18 to ask her about the club’s finances.

I told her I think you know why we are here,’” the warrant quotes Green as saying. Erica started crying and shaking … Erica told us that she took the money due to hard times.”

Wabno gave Green and Bercier the club’s checkbook and ATM card, as well as a handwritten resignation letter. She promised to pay the money back.

In an interview with police, Wabno admitted taking money she shouldn’t have.

I know I messed up, I have nothing to hide, I did something wrong and I will pay it back,” the warrant quotes Wabno as saying.

Wabno told police she had borrowed about $6,000” from the club’s accounts.

But the warrant says DeNigris concluded the amount was actually $8,761.90, broken down as:

  • $1,469.25 in unauthorized retail purchases
  • $835 missing cash from a bus trip fundraiser
  • $500 missing from a Tag Day” fundraiser
  • $2,460 in unauthorized ATM withdrawals
  • $1,460 in unauthorized checks written and cashed
  • $1,312.65 missing from a discount card fundraiser
  • $725 in missing dues cash

The unauthorized retail purchases included several purchases of beer, cigarettes, and groceries at Big Y and ALDI, as well as trips to Target for clothing, shoes, and printer ink.

Wabno is being represented by a public defender, according to court records.

Green told the New Haven Register that the club has since instituted tighter controls to prevent this from happening again.”

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