The Seymour Pride Committee will hosting a Family Night Out to support the troops on Friday, Nov. 11, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Seymour Community Center on Pine St.
The cost of the event is $2 per person with all proceeds going to the Pearson Fund, a town fund that provides donations to Seymour service men and women currently serving.
There will also be a donation box available to drop off supplies to be sent to the troops such as individual snack packs, individual drink mixes, coffee, candy, and toiletries.
There will be a disc jockey, family games, face painting, and light refreshments.
Please join the Pride Committee for a great night out for a great cause. For more information or questions, please contact Kim Osgood at 203 – 888-7880 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)