On Saturday, Nov. 9, Seymour goes RED in support of the American Diabetes Association.
The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Seymour will sign a proclamation designating Nov. 9 Seymour Red Day. Their goal is to raise awareness to the plight of Americans living with Diabetes and to gather donations for Diabetes research.
Although this is only the second year that it will be a town-wide event, Seymour resident Jacob Liedke, an enterprising freshman at Seymour High School who first brought the event to fruition, has been working for years to bring an end to Diabetes. Both he and his mother, Nicole, suffer from Type‑1 Diabetes.
When asked about his motivation for starting the event, Jacob said, “The American Diabetes Association needs our help to raise money to increase education about the disease and fund the research to find a cure.”
This year’s Seymour Red Day will include the Step Out Walk to Fight Diabetes. Registration will begin at 2:30 p.m. and the walk will begin at 3 p.m.
The route begins at Town Hall and ends at Hot Tamale Mexican Restaurant at 39 New Haven Road in Seybridge Plaza, where a reception with refreshments will be held for participants afterward.
Children and families are encouraged to sign up. Registration, which includes a T‑shirt and refreshments, is $20 per person or $50 per family.
Later that night, Hot Tamale will host an 80s Party starting at 8 p.m. Costumes are not required and raffle tickets will be sold.
This party is for adults only. One hundred percent of the proceeds and donations from the walk, donation and raffles will be donated to the American Diabetes Association.
Please contact Nicole Liedke at nrliedke@aol.com with any questions.