Seymour Roads Not Quite Suitable For Bus Traffic

Note: Seymour Schools Superintendent Christine Syriac sent this note to parents on Wednesday, Feb. 13:

I have decided that schools will remain closed on Thursday, February 14. 

Mr. Belden and the bus company drove the bus routes this morning in a small bus. 

They have identified the locations where the larger buses are not able to navigate. 

The town will focus further clean up on these trouble spots. 

I am very optimistic that school will be open on Friday. However, I will let you know that tomorrow. 

I will also share with you tomorrow the Board of Education’s decision re the opening of school for next Monday and Tuesday as that decision will be made tonight.

You may see me on the Channel 3 news this evening as they were in town looking at our situation. 

I shared with the reporter that I was optimistic about opening Thursday or Friday. 

Sorry that Thursday did not happen â€¦

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